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  • Woloszanski &B Partners at the Web Summit 2023 together as one with AGA

    Web Summit 2023: Uniting Forces with Alliott Global Alliance

    Showcasing Collaborative Excellence in Law, Accounting and Innovation
    Home Web Summit 2023: Uniting Forces with Alliott Global Alliance
    Reflecting on the Unforgettable Energy and Insights from Web Summit 2023
    Reflecting on the Unforgettable Energy and Insights from Web Summit 2023

    Last week marked the conclusion of Web Summit 2023, and let me tell you, the buzz hasn’t faded yet. It’s not just the countless photos on our phones that are keeping the memories alive; our heads are brimming with innovative ideas, inspiring conversations, and actionable plans. Michal and Olga, our dynamic duo, returned not just with their luggage, but with a treasure trove of positive vibes and innovative thoughts.

    Woloszanski &B Partners at the Web Summit 2023 together as one with AGA
    Breaking Records and Making Connections

    This year, the Web Summit outdid itself, shattering its own records with over 750,000 connections made. At our Alliott stand, we felt a similar wave of achievement. Picture this: a keen gathering of business professionals from every corner of the globe, all eager to learn about the global legal and accounting solutions offered by the Alliott Global Alliance family. It was a sight to behold!

    A World Tour in a Day: Diverse Startups, Unlimited Inspiration

    Our adventure didn’t stop there. We embarked on a global tour right within the summit, visiting startup stands from the USA, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Lithuania, and, of course, Poland and Ukraine. The creativity and open-mindedness displayed by these teams, especially from Poland and Ukraine, filled us with immense pride. Their innovative ideas, coupled with a mega-positive attitude, were truly inspiring.

    The connections we made were just as diverse as the stands we visited. We mingled with folks from industries that are right up our alley – FinTech, AI, Data & Analytics, Crypto & Blockchain. Each conversation opened a new door of possibilities, and we’re excited to explore these avenues further.

    More Than Just Business: A Family Atmosphere

    But it wasn’t all business and no play. The atmosphere at our stand was nothing short of a family reunion. Our international team, a lively bunch, supported each other with light-hearted banter and shared laughs. We engaged with clients over our specially crafted gingerbread – a hit among the attendees. And guess what? These weren’t just any gingerbread cookies; they came with a tech twist! Each one had a QR code leading to our website, blending the sweet with the savvy. Kudos to the brilliant Polish team “Rozpierniczeni” for this innovative treat – it was the perfect conversation starter.

    The Seeds of Tomorrow Planted in Today’s Conversations

    In essence, Web Summit 2023 was more than just a conference; it was a melting pot of ideas, a hub of innovation, and a testament to the power of global connection. And let’s not forget – it was also a testament to the power of gingerbread diplomacy!

    As we look back, we can’t help but feel a mix of nostalgia and excitement. Nostalgia for the incredible moments we shared and excitement for what the future holds. Web Summit 2023, you were a blast. Here’s to the next one – may it be just as sweet, if not sweeter! 🌐🍪🚀

    Woloszanski &B Partners at the Web Summit 2023 together as one with AGA Woloszanski &B Partners at the Web Summit 2023 together as one with AGA